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                                        THE AFRICAN TOUR TOURNAMENT WITHDRAWAL FORM

Fill out the form below to request for withdrawal

Players name:

                                                                                                          First name

                                                                                                          Last name


Contact details:

                                                                                                                                                  Email address


                                                                                                                                                   Phone number


Tournament details:

tell us which tournament you are withdrawing from

                                                                                                                                                   Tounament name


Reasons for withdrawal:






                                                                                                                                                       players signature

Withdrawal policy:

Tournament withdrawals after the Official Tournament Entry Closing Date and 7 days prior to the first round of the tournament in question. Entry fee will be refunded in full provided that withdrawal is notified in writing to African Tour officials.

Tournament withdrawals later than 7 days prior to the first round of the tournament in question. The member will be subjected to a fine of $50.

Tournament withdrawals after the start of a tournament. The member will be subjected to a fine of $100, which will double up for subsequent offences.

Exceptions: A member may withdraw from a tournament, without refund/penalty, at the conclusion of the second round for medical reason provided that he informs the African Tour Staff before the conclusion of that round. Written evidence of medical circumstances must be provided.

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The African Tour
The African Tour
The African Tour


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